Deadpool, civilian identity Wade Wilson, is a fictional crude and wise-cracking mercenary, in X-Men, Deadpool and the extended Marvel franchise. Originally a villain in X-Men, he evolves into an anti-hero, and ally to the X-Men upon the death of his significant other, Vanessa. In an attempt to cure his cancer, he was lured into a science experiment that gave him power. His main power is a healing factor that allows him to heal from injuries that would be fatal to others, as well as being skilled in combat. Deadpool is one of the few Marvel movies that has an R rating.
Deadpool is portrayed by Ryan Reynolds in the MCU with a height of 6’2” (1.88 m). The comic book height of Deadpool is also 6’2” (1.88 m).
Deadpool, civilian identity Wade Wilson, is a fictional crude and wise-cracking mercenary, in X-Men, Deadpool and the extended Marvel franchise. Originally a villain in X-Men, he evolves into an anti-hero, and ally to the X-Men upon the death of his significant other, Vanessa. In an attempt to cure his cancer, he was lured into a science experiment that gave him power. His main power is a healing factor that allows him to heal from injuries that would be fatal to others, as well as being skilled in combat. Deadpool is one of the few Marvel movies that has an R rating.
Deadpool is portrayed by Ryan Reynolds in the MCU with a height of 6’2” (1.88 m). The comic book height of Deadpool is also 6’2” (1.88 m).