Spider-Man, real name Peter Parker, is a superhero with enhanced strength, speed, agility, and various spider-like skills after being bitten by a radioactive spider in Marvel Comics. A genius scientist and morally responsible hero, Spider-Man uses his web-shooting, climbing, and spider-sense powers to protect New York City alone or alongside superhero teams such as the Avengers. Spider-Man was introduced by Marvel in Amazing Fantasy #15 in August, 1962.
Spider-Man has a height of 5’7” (1.70 m) in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and 5’10” (1.78 m) in the comics.
Spider-Man, real name Peter Parker, is a superhero with enhanced strength, speed, agility, and various spider-like skills after being bitten by a radioactive spider in Marvel Comics. A genius scientist and morally responsible hero, Spider-Man uses his web-shooting, climbing, and spider-sense powers to protect New York City alone or alongside superhero teams such as the Avengers. Spider-Man was introduced by Marvel in Amazing Fantasy #15 in August, 1962.
Spider-Man has a height of 5’7” (1.70 m) in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and 5’10” (1.78 m) in the comics.