Ronan, also known as Ronan the Accuser, is a fictional villain and Kree in Guardians of the Galaxy, Captain Marvel, and the extended Marvel franchise. A fanatic bent on revenge against those who’ve wronged him, he sides with Thanos in his efforts to wage war against Xandar. As a Kree warrior, his powers include disease resistance and strength, and his armor gives him invisibility and the ability to shoot energy bolts from his hands. Additionally, he is skilled in hand to-hand combat and knowledgeable about strategy. After successfully obtaining the power stone, Ronan turns on Thanos in an ill-conceived effort to keep the stone.
Ronan the Accuser is portrayed in the MCU with a height of 6’5” (1.96 m). The comic book height of Ronan the Accuser is 7’5” (2.26 m).
Ronan, also known as Ronan the Accuser, is a fictional villain and Kree in Guardians of the Galaxy, Captain Marvel, and the extended Marvel franchise. A fanatic bent on revenge against those who’ve wronged him, he sides with Thanos in his efforts to wage war against Xandar. As a Kree warrior, his powers include disease resistance and strength, and his armor gives him invisibility and the ability to shoot energy bolts from his hands. Additionally, he is skilled in hand to-hand combat and knowledgeable about strategy. After successfully obtaining the power stone, Ronan turns on Thanos in an ill-conceived effort to keep the stone.
Ronan the Accuser is portrayed in the MCU with a height of 6’5” (1.96 m). The comic book height of Ronan the Accuser is 7’5” (2.26 m).