Quicksilver, also known as Pietro Maximoff, is a fictional superhuman and avenger in Avengers: Age of Ultron and the extended Marvel franchise. He is Wanda’s brother and, like her, Pietro gained his powers as a volunteer for Hydra’s experimentation. His power is primarily super speed, though he is also a talented fighter. He dies in the Marvel universe in saving Hawkeye from Ultron. Since he and his sister are both mutants in the original comics, there was debate over whether Disney or Fox owned the rights to the characters and they agreed both could use them. Thus, he is also featured in Fox’s X-Men franchise.
Quicksilver is portrayed by Aaron Taylor-Johnson in the MCU with a height of 5’11” (1.80 m). The comic book height of Quicksilver is 6’0" (1.83 m).
Quicksilver, also known as Pietro Maximoff, is a fictional superhuman and avenger in Avengers: Age of Ultron and the extended Marvel franchise. He is Wanda’s brother and, like her, Pietro gained his powers as a volunteer for Hydra’s experimentation. His power is primarily super speed, though he is also a talented fighter. He dies in the Marvel universe in saving Hawkeye from Ultron. Since he and his sister are both mutants in the original comics, there was debate over whether Disney or Fox owned the rights to the characters and they agreed both could use them. Thus, he is also featured in Fox’s X-Men franchise.
Quicksilver is portrayed by Aaron Taylor-Johnson in the MCU with a height of 5’11” (1.80 m). The comic book height of Quicksilver is 6’0" (1.83 m).